Thursday, September 6, 2012

the north face bag The Zhu adults or relax it a little later

h the original plan,the north face bag, so Lehi would not mind a few more Prefect couple of days ago,sport jerseys, we can be bombarded Edo Castle. Why should we drag yesterday ah? We after the campaign? After listening to Lehi looked back at the Shi Lang a, see the other generals are also curious to see, so his efforts Nuzui replied: 18 shelling of the city of Edo, the other would no reason. Perhaps the Prime Minister adults and another plan instead. Shi Lang and others listened to the answer hearts of Lehi is a large odd thought that September 18 is what is the special day? Prime Minister adults and special programs in place the legitimate Shi Lang and colleagues in the side of the whispering was surprised to find the body when with crimson robes Zhu Shun the water, surrounded by a few followers down to the deck, I saw he glanced around, and polite to Lehi made a bowed asked: not here?
Although the present this road is so smooth but he was afraid of the middle will be what the flaws. After all, the threat to the Tokugawa shogunate rely on ships and armament case of the shogunate middle to change the idea of ??confronting these with the fleet to fight to the death to bring their own to the 3000 men do not know whether to let Shidori into submission.
The Zhu adults or relax it a little later, we also together to Woguo Special Envoy to put pressure on it. take the ship to come round and the identity of Fushi and Zhu Shunshui with negotiations with the Shogunate.
Zhu would like to thank Gong adults remind Zhu Shunshui lukewarm handed it over.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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I hurried back to the room to wake up still asleep in the Mengyao.
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When she follow me to the 1409 room, sees a dissolute scene, Meng Yao surprised with both hands over his eyes.
Other wait a minute to tell you, you first help them get dressed. This situation makes me very embarrassed.
see my words and deeds and manners are some exceptions woman's intuition in this regard is very keen, but now not suspicious, to help the victims is the most important.
Be Gentle got dressed, Mengyao help Kevin put on his clothes this way, I look back and carefully observe the status of the mother and daughter. Kevin still did not wake up, Gentle do not know when coma In the past, maybe escape is her best choice.
At this time Mengyao issued exclaimed sound.