Friday, June 22, 2012

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Is a place similar to the parking lot, a lot of people, it seems that energy is sent from them to come out, crowded with people and objects from a similar door, the diffusion area is growing,Cleveland Indians Jerseys, but so many people failed to issue a little bit of the noise, footsteps panting, very quiet, serene, WU Ze strange standing there, watching those who took to the road,cheap mlb jerseys, vehicles on the road a lot, but they still did not slow down their own speed, step by step, onward ...
Car through very quickly from the old man who, a little something for the elderly are not followed, walking forward, leaving only standing still stunned by WU Ze: More and more number of people come out from the door, look to see the past, basically figure, WU Ze could not help but hand touched them to wear hand-over, the body is like a mirage from time to time from the side of the road through it, those they face are almost exactly the same, little signs of life, WU Ze think of a word WU Ze approached to play a greeting, all racial outsiders called vampires, then more or less, and they are always a little, a greeting, but there is no ghost to care for him, it seems that in their own words they can not hear. this time, from the ghost group out of a girl, also 18-year-old looks like this girl pants wearing a pair of blue jeans, upper body, wearing a loose T-shirt, arm, revealing a snow whitening the skin not find a trace of micro-leisure, delicate facial features, black hair Whirling Dancer posture as much as the shares For the wind to go back. powder toot mouth slightly open, her whole person in the crowd, constantly jumping , laughing, hands open, to learn to aircraft, from time to time around the ghost knocked down, but the other party without the slightest care, up from the ground, and then go forward, the girl appeared to be very lively, cheerful, and from time to time to tease from side of the road through the crowd on their faces, they are nothing but the same wear and other ghost body and over a long pause interested in reducing the trouble of kicking with fists and feet, the whole person droop on one side, Miss Ze has been looked at her, but dared not speak, this heterogeneous, WU Ze do not know how to speak, then girls may also be found on the side, he went to him, eyes focused, the two face off WU Ze, close, pretending to not see her, the girl stretch two fingers, ready to plug WU Ze eyes, fingers through WU Ze eyes. psychological muse Haohen girl, if she can out to touch me not blind, the girl seems to be standing here WU Ze very interested and began to spin around him, looked at from different directions WU Ze, and finally stopped in WU Ze opposite the slow, the whole body slow move forward, closed his eyes, tiptoe, pink

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