Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Long Ling's face is paler, and the hand holding a magic wand slightly trembling, purple sleep murmured: nfl affect the mouth, Purple clear dream murmured: , the strength of a good terrorist. Phoenix female strength, though tough, but it can create that effect, but also thanks to her Nabing from Excalibur injected nine from a grudge with close to the artifact level Baoren fragmented iron

Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Monday, July 16, 2012

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Not packed old president of the reason why the father and son, the first is because Xu Bo's technical level is very high, many VIPs do the surgery, are named to him to do be considered the hospital a living sign of the second is naughty is not big enough, until the greater when the father and son finished a matter of time.
And so on for some time, go got on a series there are several groups of doctors complain about the car began to go through to the resident of the General Assembly.
The bus arrived at the station, should be most charitable spirit with the receptionist down the car, happened to see a few European cars parked in them not far from.
Several young blond youth, there are several white-haired elderly foreigners from the car to go down.
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Only the practitioner can see the faint white light flashing in the body of these people.
How? The church people when to start a doctor? Only know that to serve their masters guy, seems very willing to come to the East?
This actually hidden in this way came to the Han dynasty the country ....... these standards are good!
Should be most charitable spirit could not help but pay more attention to this a few to see that this is the church of foreigners glances. Other apparently felt should be most charitable spirit of the idea, have responded to the charitable spirit.
Unfortunately, to see inside their eyes, just a curious Oriental, observing them.
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Kidding! I quit! Of you who love to dry who did it! find me

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Friday, July 6, 2012

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