Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Imperial role, leading one to tumble to the ground.
The remaining twenty to Long at this time not from dizziness to wake up, nfl side of eight mercenaries followed by purple clear sword and rushed out.
Phoenix woman smiled, and said: Purple clear strength of the sword into the level of resorting to violence at home, perhaps he did not gatling vindictiveness is so deep, but the natural strength and indomitable vigor he has to destroy the force can not be underestimated. Under his leadership, has four Dragon of destruction in the hands of mercenaries who, at a time when vertigo and Long finally wake up, huge paw coupled with the saber-toothed mouth mercenary who has brought no small trouble. want earthworm massacre, never an easy task. In addition to the purple sword outside,oakley gascan sunglasses, the other mercenaries, only to Long eye, in order to bring them a fatal blow, the earthworm, however,oakley sport sunglasses, seems to have been wiser some Lian Carlo side of the earthworm, is not so good hurt.
The remaining sixteen of the dragon, there are ten in the siege the purple Qing Jian and other people, while the remaining five toward the nfl, they rushed over.
Phoenix woman looked purple sleep at a wry smile and said: The red fire of the breath through my body and face look unusually quiet, directly facing the in the five dragon rushed past.
Long Ling exclamation, the NFL, and faster to use reel to help her, the dead and the land dragon head-on collision. daughter.
nfl smile, shaking his head, said: Red figure like smoke through from the five dragon Central strange, even to the eye of the nfl, only to see the silver series of a few flash red figure and has not ceased, but into and purple clear dream to play them the land dragon, and this time, purple sleep but also to solve one.
Five earthworm is still in the nfl they here rush, always watching the situation Carlo was about to come and help, but to see a strange scene. Are being run in the earthworm, five body parts even all fall , blood and meat spread of the full ten meters, when their distance from the nfl, who thirty meters distance, has become a ground meat.
Long Ling's face is paler, and the hand holding a magic wand slightly trembling, purple sleep murmured: nfl affect the mouth, Purple clear dream murmured: , the strength of a good terrorist. Phoenix female strength, though tough, but it can create that effect, but also thanks to her Nabing from Excalibur injected nine from a grudge with close to the artifact level Baoren fragmented iron

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